自大流行开始以来, Castilleja has relied on Guiding Principles to shape our policies and planning. 热门网赌软件大全力求:

  • Prioritize the physical and emotional wellbeing of our community

  • 提供真正符合热门网赌软件大全使命的优秀教育

  • Deepen our connections by maximizing on-campus learning when safe to do so

  • 确保在一个公正的社区内公平获取

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) most recently updated its COVID - 19隔离规定 2024年1月9日. The new recommendations move away from five days of isolation and instead focus on clinical symptoms to determine when to end isolation. 详情见下文.

点击这里 查看现象描述.



We continue to follow the testing recommendations of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and of the Santa Clara County Department of Health. Whenever we return to campus after breaks of a week or longer, 热门网赌软件大全建议, 但不要求, students to test either the night before or the morning they are to return to school. 如果您需要COVID测试,您可以在前台找到. 如果您有热门网赌软件大全COVID的一般性问题,请发送电子邮件, and Jessie Surface (for students) or Jeanne Honig (for employees) will follow up with you within 48 hours.  


1. 报告 请填写以下适当表格:

2. 呆在家里 如果你有 COVID-19症状, until you have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without using fever-reducing medication AND any other COVID-19症状 are mild and/or have significantly improved.​

  • 学生: 家长/监护人应该这样做 电子邮件 or call the attendance line each day before 8:30am if the student will be absent from school.
  • 员工: Please report your absence to your supervisor before the start of school. 还有,请发邮件 如果你是教员,那么 没有电子邮件 也.

3. 面具了! 回到校园后, you will be required to wear a mask indoors and outdoors for a full 10 days from the onset of your symptoms or a positive test, 以先发生的为准. After the 10-day period, regardless of test result, you may remove your mask. 

  • 学生 may test out of wearing a mask for a full 10-day period if they have received two sequential negative tests at least one day apart. 第0天作为症状出现日期或阳性检测日期.
  • 员工 are required to wear a mask for the entire 10-day period regardless of test results.


  • 如果你有 新冠肺炎症状, 你应该马上测试并戴口罩.

  • 如果你没有任何症状,那就是 更高的风险 of severe COVID-19 infection and would benefit from treatment, you should test within five days. 

  • If you do not have symptoms and have contact with people who are at 更高的风险 for severe infection, 在室内与这些人接触10天,最好戴上口罩. Consider testing within five days after the last exposure date (Day 0) and before contact with higher-risk people. 详情请参见 CDPH COVID-1 9提供检测指南.​


与圣克拉拉县卫生局一致, it is strongly recommended that all eligible individuals get vaccinated against COVID and 保持最新的 to protect oneself and others in the community from COVID transmission. 


学生 are strongly encouraged to stay-up-to-date with their COVID vaccinations and boosters. Parents/guardians must submit their students’ vaccination documentation through 马格努斯健康.


给n the current State and County guidelines for close contact exposure, we will no longer send out community exposure notifications and contact tracing 电子邮件s to students/families. We expect all community members to remain vigilant and stay home if they are feeling unwell.  

If you test positive for COVID and you were on campus anytime within 48 hours prior to your positive test, please notify anyone you were in close contact with that they may have been exposed to COVID.  Being aware of an exposure will allow your close contacts* to test, 注意症状, 更好地保护他们的家庭和热门网赌软件大全的社区. 如果你需要帮助,请发电子邮件


  • 最后一次接触后3-5天内检测;

  • 待在家里检查是否出现症状

  • 遵循 隔离的建议 如果测试结果为阳性.

不管你的疫苗接种状况如何, you can remain in school after an exposure as long as you are not testing positive or experiencing symptoms. It is strongly recommended to wear a well-fitting mask around others for a total of 10 days after testing negative and returning to school, 尤其是在室内环境中.

1) In indoor spaces (such as homes, clinic waiting rooms, airplanes, etc.): sharing the same indoor airspace for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period (for example, three individual 5-minute exposures for a total of 15 minutes) during the person's infectious period.
2)在较大的室内空间(如开放式办公室), 仓库, large retail stores): being within 6 feet of the infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period during the person's infectious period.